Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Self Symbol Gif

My concept represents how hard-working and determined I am. A giant book is being tied to me and dragging me down as I am climbing a mountain. The book represents school because the work stops me from being truly happy and feeling free. On top of the mountain, there is a rainbow to represent happiness and the sky has a gradience, where it gets lighter on top of the mountain to make the top of the mountain look bright and happy. I am climbing a mountain repeatedly to show how hard-working and determined I am even after failing several times. This idea came to me when I was feeling tired, and then I realized I'm always tired because of school. Though Junior year is stressful, I am hoping to be able to get through it.

At first, I made a list of words describing me and handed it in to Ms. Lee. After she gave back my sheet, she added to my list and described me as hardworking and determined. When those words came to mind, I thought about climbing mountains because mountains in poetry usually symbolize obstacles. Initially, I thought about just climbing a mountain and falling down. But then I recalled what dragged me down from feeling free and happy, and that was school. School is stressful-- we have to maintain a high GPA, work and join clubs or internships for extracurriculars, go through a lot of pressure and strive to be successful in the future. That's when I added the book symbolizing school through photoshop. I had a completely different idea of me dancing in an open field in the beginning and changed it to this last minute because I felt like this gif showed more of my traits.

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